on chat with jago inggris team

tidak ada kata telat untuk terlambat.. meski dalam neurologi.. volume otak berkurang pada usia 18 tahun :) tapi tetap Allah akan memberikan hasil dari setiap proses yang kita jalani... Let's Jump up! to reach our dream.. Ini ada conversation :) sama temen2 jago inggris, ada Mr.Erang dan Laura dari chattanoga in America

  • Hello there,

    See you all again in this facebook thread. 
    I'd like to say hello, once again, to Laura.
    How's life, Laura?
    You know, i've just quit from my job as a teacher, and I'm officially 'unemployee' now. LOL
    But, i hope that would be very much OK.
    In this thread, i'd try to be more intensive. I mean, you know, some previous thread were not really maintained well, one reason is because I was too bussy with schools. Really.

    So, here are Rizki Fitria and Naisa Maulidia (last year college students) and Rifa + Septian Rangga (fresh graduates, not really fresh i think for Rifa, lol).

    I hope we can cooperate, have lots of chit chat and just use our English.

    If anyone need help, just hit SOS button, and send it to me. Hahaha

    PS: Laura, I hope you don't mind (again) telling them some basic info about you 

      • And especially for Naisa, Rifa and Septian,
        please also introduce yourself here, okay

      • hello mr.Elang, hi Laura.. 

      • Naisa pls introduce yourself to Laura, more completely 
        We also have other people here...

            • Thank you, Elang.
              I was born in Nashville, Tennessee. It is the home of Country Music. Have you heard of that? My family has been in Nashville since the early 1700's. That means I am a true "Southern Belle". 

              When I was 14, we moved 2 hours South, to Chattanooga. It is a smaller city...only about 180,000 people. Jakarta's population is almost 8,600,000?? That is a large difference! I have been to Tokyo, but still am amazed that so many people can live together. Exciting!

              Tell me about Jakarta and I will talk more tomorrow.
              Night Night ^^ I have to go to sleep.

            • Elang, I did not see your 1st post before. I hope you find another job soon...one that you enjoy & makes you happy. I am always glad to talk to 
          Hi everyone,
          I'm Rifa, live in Tangerang, a city on the west of Jakarta..
          Now I'm 23 years old and just like Mr Elang said, I'm a fresh graduate but not really fresh actually, it has been 23 months since I was graduated from my college..
          I am working as a business banker, my hobbies are reading and traveling (+ cheapflight hunting)...
          And.. What else? 
          Nice to meet you all...

        • Good Morning! I cannot see this message from my phone, but I will be at the computer in just a bit. 

        • hello 
          my full name is naisa maulidia, called me "icha"
          i'm 22 years old,now i'm college student at state university of Jakarta (UNJ), earlychildhood education major.
          beside it i'm a caregiver in childcare "Baby Fun Club" located in Jakarta.
          I live in Ciracas, east Jakarta.
            • my hobbies are laughing (hahaha..i'm just kidding), watching cinema, traveling, writing, whatever which build my spirit..
              nice to know you 

            • Rifa, welcome! What is Cheapfight Hunting??? I, too, worked in a bank. I was the Administrative Assistant for a Vice-President in the loan department, but, that was a long time ago.

              Icha, your name sounds lovely! I like tha way it sounds "Naisa Maulidia". What kind of cinema do you like? I love Korean movies/television. The last movie I watched was "Architecture 101". It was a cute movie, but I didn't like the ending as much. 

              I am excited to know you all! Please tell me anything you would like to talk about. 
                • Hello there 
                  Nice to see the conversation flow going.
                  So, to tell a bit about Laura,
                  She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee
                  We've never heard about it, right? Chattanooga?

                  Well please continue then,
                  I'm reading 

                  I also think that the name Naisa Maulidia is lovely and Icha is even more, hahaha, it's like childish name for me.

                  Oh, and one more thing, a cheapflight hunter is someone who hunt (try his/her best) to find the cheapest price of a certain flight.

                  I guess Rifa may help us, or even you, Laura, to find the cheapest flight to Jakarta sometime 

                • Icha, I have watched "Hotaru no Hikari"! I liked it a lot. I was going to watch the 2nd season, but I couldn not find all of it online. I will try to find " Di Timur Matahari", too.
                    • new people. 

                    • okay, have a good sleep.
                      I'd create a job, nice job soon.
                      I'll tell u all later, 

                    • hello all,
                      my name is septian, please call me ian..
                      i live in tangerang, same as rifa.
                      i'm 19 years old, yeahh i'm fresh graduated,
                      now i'm working as aviation security guard in the Soekarno-Hatta Int'l Airport.
                      my hobbies are playing football game, swimming, jogging, and reading,, sometime, my hobby is sleeping.. haha kidding
                      nice to meet you all, ,

                        • wah...welcome septian.. you are the youngest than us...hahaa... , hmm.. if you come to NEC, Hutan Kayu yesterday, you'll find a friend who younger than you..hehe..

                          Mr. Elang, sorry, all my English sentences are poor grammar..hehe.. but i'm confident 

                          Laura, Jakarta is capital of Indonesia..thereby as a center of government. most of people in the village go to Jakarta for a livelihood, because in Jakarta there many company, pabric, market, whatever you'll found in Jakarta. Honestly, i prefer live in my village, Ciamis.. but i must love too Jakarta..hehe..because God’s hand is always close to grateful man ..
                        • Yes Laura, just like Mr Elang said, cheapflight hunting is finding the cheapest price of a certain flight.. for example, I've got ticket from Jakarta to Semarang (the capital city of Central Java Province) as cheap as bus fare, just Rp 5,000 (+/- $ 0.55) for one way, or Rp 10,000 (+/- $ 1.1) for return flight.
                            • Last year I also have got ticket from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) then to Phuket (Thailand), then from Bangkok (Thailand) to Kuala Lumpur and go back to Jakarta, for only Rp 550,000 ($ 61), all in fare, include the airport tax besides in Jakarta airport..

                              Now I have been saving my tickets for my next flight to Yogyakarta (the place in Java where there is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur temple), Batam (one of the most popular island in Indonesia, close to Singapore), and to Manila (The Philippines)... and now still have been hunting cheap flight to my next destination target: Vietnam, Hongkong, and Seoul..

                              anyone wanna join with me? 
                            • Rifa - I have a cousin in Seoul! I wish I could go.  That sounds amazing! I would visit the entire world. ^^

                              Welcome, Ian! Airport Security sounds nice. You need to speak English to assist English passengers?
                                • Chattanooga is smaller than most cities. There are not many activities at night like there are in larger cities. Most people work & raise children or attend university. For fun, we go to the lake or river and ride boats, ski (behind the boat), swim, exercise, hike, mountain climb. People also hunt and fish for fun. There are also a lot of runners and bike riders. We have parks to walk around in. I spend my time volunteering at my son's school or watching him play baseball! He loves baseball.

                                  In Japan, most people meet at a club after work, then go home very late. Here, the average family comes home for dinner & the children do homework. Children also have many, many activities after school; baseball, choir, volleyball, football, soccer (football), cheerleading, or gymnastics, etc. It is a nice way to live. 
                                • wonderful... what a beautiful city! ... yup.it's nice way to live.. .. your childreen enjoyed it..wow... happy family 
                                • Naisa has already waken up 
                                  Oh, ya, it's 6.15 already...
                                    • yes Mr.El.. i'm checking my merchandise desain about UNJ now, i'll participate to join competition merchandise desain..
                                    • Good Morning! ^^ What is a merchandise desain?
                                    • oh, ya, I know.
                                      If u can win, u can get 1mio rupiah
                                    • Naisa means: merchandise design
                                    • there is a competition at campus for students that sthudents may design something for campus merchandise like paper bag, pen, or so.
                                    • oooooooo I love design. Icha, what have you decided to design?

                                        • Hello there,

                                          See you all again in this facebook thread. 
                                          I'd like to say hello, once again, to Laura.
                                          How's life, Laura?
                                          You know, i've just quit from my job as a teacher, and I'm officially 'unemployee' now. LOL
                                          But, i hope that would be very much OK.
                                          In this thread, i'd try to be more intensive. I mean, you know, some previous thread were not really maintained well, one reason is because I was too bussy with schools. Really.

                                          So, here are Rizki Fitria and Naisa Maulidia (last year college students) and Rifa + Septian Rangga (fresh graduates, not really fresh i think for Rifa, lol).

                                          I hope we can cooperate, have lots of chit chat and just use our English.

                                          If anyone need help, just hit SOS button, and send it to me. Hahaha

                                          PS: Laura, I hope you don't mind (again) telling them some basic info about you 
                                        • And especially for Naisa, Rifa and Septian,
                                          please also introduce yourself here, okay
                                        • hello mr.Elang, hi Laura.. 
                                        • Naisa pls introduce yourself to Laura, more completely 
                                          We also have other people here...
                                        • Hi everyone,
                                          I'm Rifa, live in Tangerang, a city on the west of Jakarta..
                                          Now I'm 23 years old and just like Mr Elang said, I'm a fresh graduate but not really fresh actually, it has been 23 months since I was graduated from my college..
                                          I am working as a business banker, my hobbies are reading and traveling (+ cheapflight hunting)...
                                          And.. What else? 
                                          Nice to meet you all...
                                        • Good Morning! I cannot see this message from my phone, but I will be at the computer in just a bit. 
                                        • hello 
                                          my full name is naisa maulidia, called me "icha"
                                          i'm 22 years old,now i'm college student at state university of Jakarta (UNJ), earlychildhood education major.
                                          beside it i'm a caregiver in childcare "Baby Fun Club" located in Jakarta.
                                          I live in Ciracas, east Jakarta.
                                          my hobbies are laughing (hahaha..i'm just kidding), watching cinema, traveling, writing, whatever which build my spirit..
                                          nice to know you 
                                        • Rifa, welcome! What is Cheapfight Hunting??? I, too, worked in a bank. I was the Administrative Assistant for a Vice-President in the loan department, but, that was a long time ago.

                                          Icha, your name sounds lovely! I like tha way it sounds "Naisa Maulidia". What kind of cinema do you like? I love Korean movies/television. The last movie I watched was "Architecture 101". It was a cute movie, but I didn't like the ending as much. 

                                          I am excited to know you all! Please tell me anything you would like to talk about. 
                                        •  i love indonesian movie..hehee...especially education movie. a week ago, i watched " di Timur Matahari"..it's a good movie for all age.. the movie teach how to keep brotherhood and tell about peace and love .

                                          But, sometimes, i also watched 'Korean movie' because my older sister and her husband are korean holic..hehhee. The last movie i watched "hotaru no hikari", have you ever watched it?..  what a jovial actors. it's funny story.hhehhe

                                          hmmm.. i just read in newspaper about Architecture 101 movie. This movie is choiced to show in Shanghai International Film Festival. I'am striving to download this movie.. hooo..i'm so corius..
                                        • by the way, where do you live mrs. Laura?  what the name of city? and what the most beautiful place in your city? 
                                        • Hello there 
                                          Nice to see the conversation flow going.
                                          So, to tell a bit about Laura,
                                          She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee
                                          We've never heard about it, right? Chattanooga?

                                          Well please continue then,
                                          I'm reading 

                                          I also think that the name Naisa Maulidia is lovely and Icha is even more, hahaha, it's like childish name for me.

                                          Oh, and one more thing, a cheapflight hunter is someone who hunt (try his/her best) to find the cheapest price of a certain flight.

                                          I guess Rifa may help us, or even you, Laura, to find the cheapest flight to Jakarta sometime 
                                        • Icha, I have watched "Hotaru no Hikari"! I liked it a lot. I was going to watch the 2nd season, but I couldn not find all of it online. I will try to find " Di Timur Matahari", too.

                                          Thank you, Elang.
                                          I was born in Nashville, Tennessee. It is the home of Country Music. Have you heard of that? My family has been in Nashville since the early 1700's. That means I am a true "Southern Belle". 

                                          When I was 14, we moved 2 hours South, to Chattanooga. It is a smaller city...only about 180,000 people. Jakarta's population is almost 8,600,000?? That is a large difference! I have been to Tokyo, but still am amazed that so many people can live together. Exciting!

                                          Tell me about Jakarta and I will talk more tomorrow.
                                          Night Night ^^ I have to go to sleep.
                                        • Elang, I did not see your 1st post before. I hope you find another job soon...one that you enjoy & makes you happy. I am always glad to talk to new people. 
                                        • okay, have a good sleep.
                                          I'd create a job, nice job soon.
                                          I'll tell u all later, 
                                        • hello all,
                                          my name is septian, please call me ian..
                                          i live in tangerang, same as rifa.
                                          i'm 19 years old, yeahh i'm fresh graduated,
                                          now i'm working as aviation security guard in the Soekarno-Hatta Int'l Airport.
                                          my hobbies are playing football game, swimming, jogging, and reading,, sometime, my hobby is sleeping.. haha kidding
                                          nice to meet you all, ,
                                        • wah...welcome septian.. you are the youngest than us...hahaa... , hmm.. if you come to NEC, Hutan Kayu yesterday, you'll find a friend who younger than you..hehe..

                                          Mr. Elang, sorry, all my English sentences are poor grammar..hehe.. but i'm confident 

                                          Laura, Jakarta is capital of Indonesia..thereby as a center of government. most of people in the village go to Jakarta for a livelihood, because in Jakarta there many company, pabric, market, whatever you'll found in Jakarta. Honestly, i prefer live in my village, Ciamis.. but i must love too Jakarta..hehe..because God’s hand is always close to grateful man ..
                                        • Yes Laura, just like Mr Elang said, cheapflight hunting is finding the cheapest price of a certain flight.. for example, I've got ticket from Jakarta to Semarang (the capital city of Central Java Province) as cheap as bus fare, just Rp 5,000 (+/- $ 0.55) for one way, or Rp 10,000 (+/- $ 1.1) for return flight.

                                          Last year I also have got ticket from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) then to Phuket (Thailand), then from Bangkok (Thailand) to Kuala Lumpur and go back to Jakarta, for only Rp 550,000 ($ 61), all in fare, include the airport tax besides in Jakarta airport..

                                          Now I have been saving my tickets for my next flight to Yogyakarta (the place in Java where there is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur temple), Batam (one of the most popular island in Indonesia, close to Singapore), and to Manila (The Philippines)... and now still have been hunting cheap flight to my next destination target: Vietnam, Hongkong, and Seoul..

                                          anyone wanna join with me? 
                                        • Rifa - I have a cousin in Seoul! I wish I could go.  That sounds amazing! I would visit the entire world. ^^

                                          Welcome, Ian! Airport Security sounds nice. You need to speak English to assist English passengers?

                                          Chattanooga is smaller than most cities. There are not many activities at night like there are in larger cities. Most people work & raise children or attend university. For fun, we go to the lake or river and ride boats, ski (behind the boat), swim, exercise, hike, mountain climb. People also hunt and fish for fun. There are also a lot of runners and bike riders. We have parks to walk around in. I spend my time volunteering at my son's school or watching him play baseball! He loves baseball.

                                          In Japan, most people meet at a club after work, then go home very late. Here, the average family comes home for dinner & the children do homework. Children also have many, many activities after school; baseball, choir, volleyball, football, soccer (football), cheerleading, or gymnastics, etc. It is a nice way to live. 
                                        • wonderful... what a beautiful city! ... yup.it's nice way to live.. .. your childreen enjoyed it..wow... happy family 
                                        • Naisa has already waken up 
                                          Oh, ya, it's 6.15 already...
                                        • yes Mr.El.. i'm checking my merchandise desain about UNJ now, i'll participate to join competition merchandise desain..
                                        • Good Morning! ^^ What is a merchandise desain?
                                        • oh, ya, I know.
                                          If u can win, u can get 1mio rupiah
                                        • Naisa means: merchandise design
                                        • there is a competition at campus for students that sthudents may design something for campus merchandise like paper bag, pen, or so.
                                        • oooooooo I love design. Icha, what have you decided to design?
                                        • yup, I think Laura can give u some good advice, because Laura is an artist (seniman, in Bahasa)
                                        • for all, I just take this from a website:

                                          Many people, when first learning a new language, are reluctant to speak because they fear they will make a mistake. They should never ever worry about making mistakes because -

                                          THEY WILL HAPPEN.
                                          THEY CAN NOT BE AVOIDED.
                                          EVERYBODY MAKES THEM!!!

                                          So, stop worrying about it. The MOST important thing about communicating is not to speak grammatically correct, but to be understood! Even if a mistake is made, if the listener understands your meaning, communication has been achieved.
                                        • I agree! You must be able to understand the words, the rest will come with time.
                                            • I would be afraid, too, the first few times. But, I think I would laugh at myself and find it funny. 
                                            • hehehe..i will strive for my passion.. i was dared to speak English fluently.. thank you for all.. 

                                              Laura, i made glass or mug design with the theme Building future Leader.. i love design too, i love painting..and i like going to exhibition of Painting.. but i'm just like.. i can't paint or design..
                                            • If you love it, you can do it! Can you see the photos on my page? I have an album called "Murals" and on called "Bulletin Boards & Artsy Things".

                                              I have never been to Art School. I simply decided to start painting and found that I was good at it. The biggest obstacle was courage! You simply have to do your best & not worry if other people like it. 

                                              My father was an artist, and his cousin and uncle. My cousin that lives in Seoul owns his own art studio! I wish I could do that. It would be exciting.

                                              I'm sure your design is gorgeous!
                                                • Naisa if u wish, u can upload ur design to this thread, do u know how to do it?
                                                • please..give me advice for my design... hehe.. maybe..it look worst picture... . i'm not confident... i designe by adobe photoshop cs4.. i feel hard to upload my design..when i upload, in my faceboo written :
                                                  "please install flash player"
                                                  but, if i attach word or document, it sent...
                                                • oh, ya, it means u haven't install flash player on ur computer, Icha.
                                                • oh, i will download it
                                                • all..see this page.. Laura projects are amazing..  i like it................
                                                      • des
                                                          • What time do you usually go to bed? And what time do you usually get up?

                                                            I think my favorite singer is... none. I like some singers, lol. No, I mean, I don't have any kind of favorite. Even with movie or actor/actress.

                                                            I don't watch movie a lot.
                                                            What about the others? Let's share...
                                                          • 10 PM is a good time to go to bed, but I usually stay up until midnight! I need more sleep.

                                                            Like you, I'm not sure if I have a favorite. I LOVE Korean dramas & some Japanese. I must, now, find something Indonesian to watch! Any ideas?

                                                            I listen to all types of music, even Big Bang & 2NE1 (Korean).

                                                            I have to watch Korean TV on the computer. I don't watch much American TV. It's bad. 
                                                          • Welcome, Qpit! What does that name mean?

                                                            You sell clothing? Very pretty! I like the different styles. 
                                                          • Today is Thursday. It is 10:19 PM. Time to go to bed...early!
                                                            What TV shows are your favorite?
                                                            Who is your favorite singer?
                                                            What is your favorite movie?
                                                            Who is your favorite actor/actress?

                                                            Maybe those questions will get us started. ^^ See you tomorrow.
                                                          • Oh, so 10 PM is early for you to go to bed?
                                                      • ain m
                                                          • ok, i wanna tell about symbol 
                                                            in a requirement to competitor, we must make a design which representating our campus. State university of Jakarta consist of seven faculties. Colour is a symbol to diferent each faculties. There are red color to social sciences faculties, baby pink to language faculties, green to education science faculties, etc..

                                                            the wings means a way, tools and whatever to reach our dream through each faculties, depend on skill etc.. each faculties have a powerfull to contribute in developing our country. it's describe that whoever study at state university of Jakarta will get his dreams, and automatically he will be future leaders. For me, future Leaders not only be a president, directur etc. But, future Leaders is a man who give a something totally to others, especially to our country.
                                                          • Awwwwwww. That is so great!!! I love it. You put a lot of thought into it. I am sure you will win recognition. When is the contest? When will you know if you've won?
                                                          • Next,
                                                            please welcome:
                                                          • ok, i wanna tell about symbol 
                                                            in a requirement to competitor, we must make a design which representating our campus. State university of Jakarta consist of seven faculties. Colour is a symbol to diferent each faculties. There are red color to social sciences faculties, baby pink to language faculties, green to education science faculties, etc..

                                                            the wings means a way, tools and whatever to reach our dream through each faculties, depend on skill etc.. each faculties have a powerfull to contribute in developing our country. it's describe that whoever study at state university of Jakarta will get his dreams, and automatically he will be future leaders. For me, future Leaders not only be a president, directur etc. But, future Leaders is a man who give a something totally to others, especially to our country.
                                                          • Awwwwwww. That is so great!!! I love it. You put a lot of thought into it. I am sure you will win recognition. When is the contest? When will you know if you've won?
                                                          • Next,
                                                            please welcome:
                                                          • I love the red/green colors with yellow in the center! It is very nice.
                                                      • erchandise.jpg
                                                          • beautiful! I love the colors! I hope you win. ^^
                                                          • lol Those are photos of decorations for the school. I only have a few photos in the album. I'm glad you like it. 
                                                          • are you sure? which part of my design can improve? i think, i must improving my design 
                                                          • Colors and design are different to each area of the world. It's hard to judge between what would look good here...and what would look good there. Indonesian design is MUCH more colorful than American.  I do like it!

                                                            To be completely correct it should say, Building Future Leaders. But, even that is optional. Only English people would notice the "s" missing. It's ok in Asian countries to leave it out.

                                                            Tell me what the parts symbolize. The wings? Houses?
                                                              • ok, i wanna tell about symbol 
                                                                in a requirement to competitor, we must make a design which representating our campus. State university of Jakarta consist of seven faculties. Colour is a symbol to diferent each faculties. There are red color to social sciences faculties, baby pink to language faculties, green to education science faculties, etc..

                                                                the wings means a way, tools and whatever to reach our dream through each faculties, depend on skill etc.. each faculties have a powerfull to contribute in developing our
                                                                country. it's describe that whoever study at state university of Jakarta will get his dreams, and automatically he will be future leaders. For me, future Leaders not only be a president, directur etc. But, future Leaders is a man who give a something totally to others, especially to our country.
                                                                • Welcome, Qpit! What does that name mean?

                                                                  You sell clothing? Very pretty! I like the different styles. 
                                                                • Today is Thursday. It is 10:19 PM. Time to go to bed...early!
                                                                  What TV shows are your favorite?
                                                                  Who is your favorite singer?
                                                                  What is your favorite movie?
                                                                  Who is your favorite actor/actress?

                                                                  Maybe those questions will get us started. ^^ See you tomorrow.
                                                                • Oh, so 10 PM is early for you to go to bed?

                                                              • Awwwwwww. That is so great!!! I love it. You put a lot of thought into it. I am sure you will win recognition. When is the contest? When will you know if you've won?


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